Archive for the ‘Women’s Thinking & Psychology’ Category

What If A Girl Says She Only Likes A Certain Type Of Guy?

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

If I were to round up all the questions I get from guys from
previous bootcamps and events in the past two years, one that
troubles them most goes like this…

Q: I have a girl I’m interested in. But she says she only likes
guys who are tall, well-toned and have nice eyes. What if I
don’t fit that description?

A: I promise you GOOD NEWS but let’s hear this first.

Throughout my life, I’ve heard female friends say a variety of
things they prefer in a man (see how many you’ve heard

They “want”…

– broad shoulders
– tanned skin
– At least 1.8m
– can play piano
– must be sensitive
– know how to pamper
– can sing like Wang Lee Hom
– charming, romantic
– common interests
– etc…
Ok, the ladies said it. Funny part next.

Occasionally, I would have a reunion or meetup with the same bunch
of female friends. Some of them got attached and would bring their
boyfriends along.

Here’s the thing – When I see this particular lady, who only a year
back said she STRICTLY wanted a tall boyfriend, I tried hard to
find traces of height in her guy… but got nothing.

When asked her why had she decided to go with someone out of her
strict standards, she replied, “I don’t know. I just like him a lot

I’m not mocking. Personally I’m not tall also, but what I wanted to
say is, if we don’t fit the criteria of what a lady wants in her
partner, it DOESN’T mean anything.

Here’s the thing – If a guy caused a girl to LIKE him a lot, the
girl will say “To hell with what I always wanted!”
Want another example?

Sure. This one is about my own sister.

My sister is devotedly religious. She only wanted a boyfriend who
is of the same religion as her (she wouldn’t even want a

Guess who she ends up with today?

A dude who’s a freethinker (to add to that, they’re still together
after three years plus).

How come?

Because when you make a woman like you massively, those things she
set and want in a boyfriend… can be OVERIDDEN.

That’s the good news.

Here’s what my lady classmate from poly days said about her
husband, “He isn’t the type of guy I would date in terms of looks
and personality. We have nothing in common. But everytime I’m near
him, part of me got triggered and I found myself liking him.”

She said it best… Trigger.

Your ability to kick-start those signals in her mind to LIKE YOU,
is more important than how much you fit her criteria.

So, don’t dwell too much on whether you’re ‘her type’.

Instead, be *the type* of man who KNOWS how to make a woman generate
huge amount of liking for you.