The Fastest Way To Become Good With Women In Singapore... Is To Learn It From "Men Of Experience" Who Have Been There, Done That.

I've Found 5 Of Such Men For You:


Hi, Skilldo here...

As you might know, I've made it my 'life mission' to help as many guys as possible to succeed with women in Singapore.

Other than my own dating materials and stuff... whenever I come across other experts who have cool insights to share, I'll interview them and spread their goodies to you.

Out of these experts, I want to specially highlight 5 men. Because when you add-up all their experiences they collectively owned DECADES worth of wisdom in socializing, dating and attracting women in Singapore.

They are men I regard as "Charmers-of Women & Skillful Daters".

Right now, you too can get to know what they know, as I showcase from the secrets from my interview vault the combined hours of secret interviews I conducted with them.

Who Are These Men?...

First, you'll learn from Ryker — an expert of boosting your 'inner-self'... to have the right kind of confidence to attract the women of Singapore and of Asian descent.

He reveals:

  • A "mind-shift" to go from having self-doubt into being CONFIDENT to take on any situations with women
  • 7 "limitations" guys have that stops them from getting lucky with women (Just 1 of these 7 is enough to prevent you from progressing further with girls. Learn powerful insights to crush these limitations)
  • The reason why a lot of good-looking guys actually DON'T get girls... and some 'plain-looking' ones actually succeeded much more (discover the 'always work' secret behind it no matter what type of man you are)

And then there's Huey — he had done hundreds of approaches in Singapore malls, stores, cafes week after week... trying out different ways to know women and pinning down what works.

He reveals:

  • What to do if you witness a woman (or a group of women) sitting around a table with an empty seat and you plan to go over to sit down to start a chat (plus an example of he said the moment he sat down that led to an hour long conversation with a lady)
  • How to give off a powerful COMMANDING presence when you're talking to a group of women
  • A "birthday routine" that easily lets you know new women (this is 'under the radar' and effective for knowing large groups of women)

The next man is John — a man of charisma who women find irresistibly appealing. (By the way, John is at an age where most guys would consider themselves to be past their dating prime. Yet, he is still able to attract women by simply using his charisma.)

He reveals:

  • How to project "intellect" to a girl even if one does not have a genius-level IQ
  • Questions to ask a woman to hit on her hot buttons and get her to enthusiastically engage in a conversation with you
  • Further insights on what a guy should do to boost his charisma (when communicating with not just women but people in general)

And you also hear from Vernon — a specialist in 'un-limiting' one's mind to get the type of dating/social life one always wanted. Other than being a living example of dating women (and eventually marrying one) who others would consider out of his league, he has helped men achieve the same type of 'impossible' feats in Singapore.

He reveals:

  • How to program the fears and doubts about talking to women out of yourself
  • A technique to insert phrases & statements into your conversation that tunes women's minds to be receptive to what you say
  • The key secret to unlock that inner part in you that have you start accomplishing a lot more than you think is possible with women

Finally there is Kyo he had created a lifestyle in Singapore that gives him overflowing choices with women. Having achieved that, he is showing you how to do so.

He reveals:

  • An advantage you already have (but probably don't know) when it comes to having an ENDLESS buffet of women to date
  • What to insert in your speech to have girls respond more favorably and positively to you
  • Story of how he met and charmed his current girlfriend at a social gathering (listen to the part where he walked in and 'pulled' her away while she was talking to another guy)
  • His personal "playground" where on average he meets 10 -15 new women during each visit

Altogether, this "Charmers-of Women & Skillful Daters" interview collection is over 261 minutes of secrets these men took years to uncover.

As you listen to these secret interviews, you'll be turning yourself into a man who knows exactly how to hit the right hot buttons in women.

Prepare to get equipped with never-before-revealed techniques to masterfully talk to girls... win the ladies over with strong charisma & confidence... destroy anything that could hold you back and overall... own a highly-satisfying, women-abundant dating life in Singapore.

Here's How To Get These Secret Interviews:

Click "Buy now" to get all the secret interviews with Credit card, Debit card or Paypal.

Once you have ordered on the secure server, you will be instantly guided to a member's area where you can listen to the audio interviews.

The interviews are all in mp3 format, which can be listened to on any computer (PC or MAC), smart phone or tablet.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You must benefit from this program, but for any reason not, please reply within 30 days to the email that is sent to you when you ordered, let us know and we will refund you the whole amount.

I mean it the fastest way to achieve a high level of confidence, competence & success with women in Singapore is to simply learn it from men who had been achieving that for years.

Take their experiences (note all the to do's and not-to-do's) and you can save yourself a lot of time from having to trial and error with women.

Get the secret interviews now, absorb everything inside and I look forward to seeing you reach success with women real soon.


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